Andrey Pospelov

Andrey Pospelov

Andrey Pospelov is a composer and teacher of musical theoretical disciplines. He is a graduate of the State Music and Pedagogical Institute named after M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov with a degree in Musicology (2019) and programs of assistantship and internship at the State Musical and Pedagogical Institute named after M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov with a degree in Art of Composition (2022).

He is the author of chamber and symphonic works, music for stage productions and media, and the artistic director of the creative association “Room Underground”, which promotes modern academic music.

Andrey is the winner of a special prize at the second All-Russian competition “Score” in the category “symphonic work of large form” and third place at the first Rachmaninoff International Competition for Pianists, Composers and Conductors in the category “composition”.

Pospelov has been collaborating with composer Baruch Berliner and producer Nachum Slutzker since 2022.