The symphonic rock show “GENESIS ROCK SHOW”

On July 22, August 4 and 19, as well as September 9, the Brandenburg Museum and Castle Complex (Kaliningrad Region) 4 concerts of the symphonic rock show “GENESIS ROCK SHOW” will be held at the Brandenburg Museum and Castle Complex (Kaliningrad Region).

GENESIS ROCK SHOW is a joint project of composer and scientist, economist and poet Baruch Berliner (Israel), rock composer and author of lyrics Eugeniy Atsapkin (Russia), producer Nachum Slutzker (Israel) and a large team of talented people from all over the world.

GENESIS ROCK SHOW is the whole history of music from classical symphony to hard rock in one work, multiplied by the well-known and, nevertheless, timeless Old Testament stories about the Creation of the World.

GENESIS ROCK SHOW is accompanied by a rock band, the Genesis Сhamber Оrchestra, as well as artists from the Kaliningrad Regional Musical Theater and Slovo Theater. The performance is also accompanied by the author’s video art.