Dance reading of the composition “El Maleh Rachamim”
An unexpected dance interpretation of the composition “El Maleh Rachamim” dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust from the famous choreographer Dmitry Pimonov (Mariinsky Theater, St. Petersburg) and the state dance ensemble Barynya with the participation of actors from the House of Veterans of the Scene named after M. G. Savina.
Dmitry Pimonov is a choreographer of the Mariinsky Theater of St. Petersburg, choreographer of the musicals Master and Margarita, Nameless Star, Demon Onegin, Oscar and the Pink Lady, Tchudo –Yudo and many other productions in Russia and abroad.
Created in 1989, the dance ensemble Barynya soon became one of the best choreographic groups in the country. The ensemble’s tour geography is very extensive and includes countries such as Finland, Switzerland, France, Israel, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Poland, and South Korea. Everywhere the ensemble received well-deserved praise as a highly professional folk group, conveying a unique national character.
The artistic director of the ensemble, Tatyana Timokhina is a choreographer of great artistic taste. She skillfully combines different styles and eras, elements of ancient folk festivals and modernity, which gives her programs a special flavor.
The video contains recordings by guitarist Ronen Nissan (Austria) and violinist Alexander Brusilovsky (France).
Ronen Nissan is a conductor, arranger, and guitarist.
His repertoire ranges from symphonic and spiritual music to film music and even tango projects. He worked as the musical director of the St. Stephen’s choir and chamber orchestra (Tulln, Austria) for 15 years, and also served as the conductor of the main synagogue choir in Vienna and as an assistant at the Neue Oper Wien (New Opera Vienna) and the Vienna State Opera.
Ronen Nissan is an arranger and guitarist for the Vienna Tango Quintet, with whom he has performed in Austria, Germany, Sweden, Spain, Poland, Turkey and Israel.
Alexander Brusilovsky is a famous French violinist.
In addition to extensive touring activities, he teaches at the Versailles Conservatory, heads the MusiCimes Festival in Courchevel and the ensemble of soloists Ricercata de Paris he created in 1993. Alexande is also the artistic director of the recording company Suoni e Colori, specializing in chamber music recordings.
Music by Sergey Krutsenko, Baruch Berliner, Nachum Slutzker
Producer – Nachum Slutzker
We remind you that using the website created especially for this project, you can learn more about the project, and even join it by performing your own version of this composition, since it is arranged not only for violin and string orchestra, but also for choir, piano, guitar and other instruments.